Street Gangs

Street gangs are the most well known gangs. These gangs are usually a lot less organized that most other gangs. The reason why is because street gangs form from groups of friends or people from a particular neighbourhood. Street gangs have a reputation of being more volatile. They are usually made up of kids in their teens but there are a lot of “OGs” in street gangs as well. OGs are usually older members of the gangs that have survived many years of gang banging.

A lot of people say that Los Angeles is the home of street gangs. Although there are many street gangs around the world, LA was the first place to have mass violence caused from gangs. This is the reason why some of the biggest well know street gangs was birthed here.

MS-13 Marasalvatrucha

Considered to be the most ruthless and violent gangs in the world. MS 13 is one gang we hope you never see cross your path.


The Bloods first originated from anti crip gangs in the late 1960s. Gangs from different areas of Los Angeles formed the bloods to fight back against the Crip gangs. This fued has been going on for decades. What makes the bloods so big is that it is formed from different sets. Most neighbourhoods in LA have a blood set attached to them, depending on which hood you visit.


The Crips are another street gang that has built its reputation in LA. The crips are one of Americas biggest street gangs and they have grown in huge numbers. They are said to be one of the most violent street gangs. Just like the bloods, the crips are split into many sets.

18th Street

Another well known street gang that originate in LA is the 18th street gang. They are considered one the largest street gangs in LA. 18th street is considered to be the first gang to me multi nationalites and races. They first started out as a mexican gang but have since grown from that.